Last week, FUNimation Entertainment attempted something I think it should’ve been doing all along — a simulcast of an anime with English subtitles in the US as it was being broadcast in Japan. Unfortunately, some opportunistic fansubbers found a copy of...
Have you ever found a song that you could listen to over and over and never get tired of? That song for me is Gackt’s “Lust for Blood,” which is on his “Crescent” album. The song, which is about lost love and the misery of repeating the...
A couple of weeks ago, I talked about how important torrents and streaming videos are to otakus in exile. Another great online tool for plugging in is, a live-streaming video site, where anyone can set up a channel and begin broadcasting about anything....
There is one place you’re almost guaranteed to find me at least once per week getting my sushi fix – Sushi Sake. My friends and I usually meet there on Fridays in time to take advantage of their sushi happy hour ($1.50 per piece of nigiri sushi). In fact,...
On the way home tonight, I dropped by Pei-Wei to pick up some food for dinner to-go, and I was greeted by the manager with a blank stare and a “Yes?” Not a “Welcome to Pei-Wei. Is this for here or to-go?” Not even a “Hi. What can I get...
One of the first bands from Japan I was exposed to was L’arc~en~ciel (ラルク アン シエル, or “The Rainbow” in French), and the first album of theirs I heard was “Ark.” My first impression was that Hyde, the lead singer, sounded a lot like Geoff...
Before I get much further into this blog, I have to make a confession. (dramatic pause) Okay, here it goes. *sigh* I’m a n00b. While I have had a fascination with Japan since I was 9 years old (which means I’ve had that fascination for over 3/4 of my...
Let’s face it. It really sucks when you want to be entertained, and all American television can offer is some lame repackaging of “90210” or yet another reality TV show starring a new generation of narcissists. Don’t get me wrong, there have...
I have the great fortune of working only 2 miles from where I live. This allows me to go home for lunch. It saves me money, and it allows me to break up my day with an anime episode. I’ve been able to work through a few series this way. Recently, I’ve...
I’m in the process of building out the content for this site, so pardon the mess. If you’re as interested in Japanese culture as I am and you live in Austin, you probably understand the frustration of only being able to express yourself online....